Sunday, February 23, 2014

Nourish your mind!

Good health is always within reach!
Image source: Bitstrips
nu`tri`ca´tion (noun)

Webster's Dictionary describes nutrication as 'the act or manner of feeding'.  And with this blog I hope to feed your mind with nourishing information about health and wellness. Being informed is one of the first steps in being healthy.

Unfortunately there is a lot of misinformation about nutrition and wellness on the internet and on television.  What I hope to accomplish with this blog is to help address some of that misleading information and encourage healthy lifestyle habits in an easy and fun manner.

Please take a look at the topics that I have posted that address some nutrition and health related issues that I hope you find interesting and can relate to! 

Hopefully you will feel inspired to take part in the conversations and 'nutricate' your mind! 